Sunday, September 3, 2006

Najlepszy Darmowy Hosting Bez Reklam

ies great, despite drinking like every other day Cossacks other also. Overall it was a very fun time as we were a good Andalusian scandal wherever we went. We could not deny our origins, but the only thing that seemed Andalusian all, I was. If you do not behold the photos and believed.
We ended up going almost every day of the week, but just go to dinner or spend the Enklawa, Cinamon, Klubakawiarnia, Paparazzi, ... in short, all the trendy guiris and ideal for tourists, where they feel you're out of Spain, because the prices are the same as those in Madrid, and the porters just assholes. In one of them did not let us in, I guess because we were Jeans, petite bullshit. But hey, we're going to do. In another westopped, but using a whole array of intelligence, they jump in Castilian Alicja not know Polish, and the guy with that response misses us, hahaha, the old trick of "not understand", and as we do not want the thing, instead of trying to explain let you pass. That same I have an anecdote, was condución of Lódz, and without realizing I go by a pedestrian street, but hey I can as I get off the street and 20 meters, I control for the anti-drug police at least, guys balaclavas and poor milk balls. So I stop and even before Ostia give me use the phrase that has saved me far more of a sticky situation. "Nie po polsku Mowie" bone, "I do not speak Polish" and from there they saw the sweat frivolousgive the land. It was not all bad, though the red peppers 3 green peppers were fried and decoration were many osborne bull. In general, this visit lived up to expectations and Fernando has had a great time and just think back. So the rest, id encouraging them before cold weather arrives.


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